Search Unplugged


Sunday, March 1, 2009

I shall .....Again

I have tried before, and failed. I can remember two times. Well this is the third. My third attempt at writing down stuff for the whole world to see it. Now probably I will give up tomorrow. But I hope to keep going, the reason being that life has become really boring and busy. Busy doing really boring stuff.

So my big epic novel plan is spiralling and spiralling near the drain’s ugly opening, And my glorious idea slowly burying itself under all that dirt.

So I start writing again muddle up the effortless spiralling and hope all that dirt clogs up the drain.

If I was any more brilliant I will start to glow.

So coming soon, most of the stuff that grows in the weird landscapes of my brain, that generally waits for a few drinks and a couple of friends. All the chaotic verses, the existential ramblings, the mind numbing scenarios and a whole lot of junk maybe be headed to you, who might decide to read further on , in the near future.

To all those in an “anandamine” high ….Cheers to the chaotic mind that searches for what to search for in life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep it coming buddy.. Its jus the beginning....