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Thursday, July 4, 2024

The World's Gone Soft.

A Manly Lament Backed by Science.  
Gentlemen, gather 'round the digital campfire for a tale of woe. It's a story as old as time, or at least as old as the invention of the man bun. The world, my friends, has gone soft. And no, I'm not talking about those plush bathrobes you've been sporting since the pandemic.
Remember the good old days? When men were men, and shaved with a single blade razor? When "dad bod" meant you'd wrestled a grizzly, not just a family-sized bag of chips? (Though, let's be honest, those are delicious). But seriously, somewhere between conquering continents and conquering the latest Candy Crush level, we seem to have lost our mojo.
Evolutionary biology, that fascinating field that tells us why we crave sugar and swipe right, also has something to say about this. According to renowned anthropologist Helen Fisher, "Men are driven to win. They are driven to be top dog." This isn't about toxic masculinity; it's about millions of years of evolution wiring us to provide, protect, and leave our mark on the world.
But what happens when we swap the thrill of the hunt for the comfort of the couch? When we trade in the primal urge to build and conquer for the endless scroll of social media? Well, science has some answers, and they're not pretty.
Studies have shown that suppressing our natural masculine instincts can lead to a whole host of problems. Low testosterone levels, for instance, have been linked to depression, decreased muscle mass, and even a shorter lifespan. It seems that our bodies are literally rebelling against our overly domesticated lives.
"Modern men are under attack," writes psychologist Philip Zimbardo in his book "Man Interrupted." He argues that the decline of traditional male roles and the rise of a hyper-connected, hyper-stimulated culture have left many men feeling adrift, disengaged, and emasculated.
This isn't just about individual well-being; it has far-reaching societal consequences. A study published in the journal "Psychological Science" found that countries with higher levels of gender equality also have lower fertility rates. In other words, the more we suppress traditional gender roles, the less likely we are to reproduce. Not exactly a recipe for the survival of the species, is it?
But fear not, my fellow men. All is not lost. We can reclaim our birthright, rediscover our primal instincts, and inject a little bit of much-needed testosterone back into the world.
It starts with embracing our natural drive for adventure and challenge. Trade in the autonomous driving electric mobility device  for a  real ICE, hit the road Man and machine - - Power EXTREME ( feels so good bring out that reference) . Swap the treadmill for  exploring wilderness, an haunted house.. Ditch the dating apps and rediscover the art of old-fashioned courtship.
And gentlemen, let's not forget the importance of male bonding. As evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar puts it, "Friendship is the human equivalent of primate grooming." We need those deep, meaningful connections with other men to thrive. So, gather your tribe, raise a glass (or three), and rediscover the lost art of male camaraderie.
Remember, we're not just men. We're the descendants of warriors, explorers, and innovators. It's time to unleash our inner wildness, to embrace our masculine energy, and to show the world what we're made of.
Because a life without adventure is like a beer without hops - bland, boring, and utterly forgettable.
So, let's raise a toast to the wild, the untamed, and the unapologetically masculine. May our beards grow long, our spirits remain strong, and our adventures never end.
 * Fisher, H. (2016). Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray. W. W. Norton & Company.
 * Kimmel, M. (2017). Angry White Men: American Masculinity at the End of an Era. Nation Books.
 * Araujo, A. B., Esche, G. R., Kupelian, V., O'Donnell, A. B., Monda, J. K., & McKinlay, J. B. (2004). Prevalence of symptomatic androgen deficiency in men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 89(10), 4873-4882.
 * Zimbardo, P., & Coulombe, N. (2015). Man Interrupted: Why Young Men Are Struggling & What We Can Do About It. Rider.
 * Stoet, G., & Geary, D. C. (2018). Sex differences in academic achievement are not related to country-level gender equality. Psychological Science, 29(11), 1859-1873.
 * Dunbar, R. I. M. (1998). Grooming, gossip, and the evolution of language. Harvard University Press.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Great Work-from-Home Comedy Show: A Tale of Lost Creativity and Virtual Debates


Once upon a time, in the mystical land of Remote Worktopia, creative wizards and tech sorcerers embarked on a grand experiment: working from home. Little did they know that this adventure would lead to hilarity, chaos, and a desperate search for lost inspiration.

Chapter 1: The Case of the Vanishing Creativity

Sir Doodler, the Illustrator Extraordinaire, sat cross-legged on his couch, laptop perched on a pillow. His muse? A half-empty coffee cup and a cat named Whiskers. As he attempted to conjure masterpieces, Whiskers decided to park her fluffy behind right on the keyboard. The result? A digital masterpiece titled “Cat-tastrophe.”

Chapter 2: The Zoom Call Chronicles

Lady Codebreaker, the Cryptic Coder, faced a dilemma. During a Zoom meeting, her code mysteriously vanished. Was it a glitch or a cosmic joke? She typed furiously, “Hello, fellow wizards! My code has transcended reality. Any ideas?” The chat exploded with emojis: 🤔, 😱, and 🧙‍♂️. Alas, the code remained elusive.

Chapter 3: The Battle of the Slack Channels

Baron Brainstormer, the Idea Alchemist, led a fierce battle in the Slack realm. His warriors—#CreativityCoven, #InnovationKnights, and #RandomThoughtsGuild—fought valiantly. But alas, the enemy forces—#CatGIFs, #WatercoolerChats, and #MuteButtonMischief—were relentless. The war cry? “Thou shalt not mute thy brilliance!”

Chapter 4: The Quest for Spontaneity

Princess Improv, the Queen of Quirk, missed the office banter. She longed for impromptu debates, heated arguments, and accidental genius. So, she summoned her trusty steed—Google Meet—and declared, “Let’s discuss quantum physics while juggling flamingos!” Her team stared, bewildered. Flamingos were scarce in the virtual realm.

Chapter 5: The Legend of the Lost Whiteboard

Wizard Scribble, the Diagram Druid, mourned the loss of his sacred whiteboard. No longer could he scribble algorithms, brainstorm epiphanies, or doodle stick-figure dragons. Instead, he wielded a digital pen on a virtual canvas. His flowcharts resembled abstract art. The team nodded, pretending to understand.

Epilogue: The Hybrid Solution

And so, dear readers, the wizards and sorcerers learned a valuable lesson. Remote work, like a mischievous pixie, had its quirks. Creativity yearned for coffee shops, office banter, and accidental collisions. Tech debates craved heated arguments over lukewarm coffee. The solution? A structured hybrid model—a potion of in-office magic and remote enchantment.

As they say in Remote Worktopia, “May your Wi-Fi be strong, your mute button merciful, and your cat-tastrophes legendary.”

And thus ends our tale—a comedy of errors, a symphony of Slack emojis, and a quest for the elusive Flamingo of Spontaneity. Until next time, my fellow wizards, keep your creativity caffeinated and your Zoom backgrounds absurd.


Disclaimer: No cats were harmed during the creation of this article. Whiskers is now a certified code reviewer.


For a more serious and nuanced look at the dilemma please read .